Women Like Us


by Jarrett Caston, US Forest Service Program Specialist

Ms. Rebecca Campbell is a woman in South Carolina who owns 36 acres of heirs’ property. Heirs’ property is land passed down without a will. Ms. Campbell didn’t know that she owned heirs’ property until after her mother’s death in 1998. In addition to Ms. Campbell, about 50 or more family members share ownership, as family heirs, with Ms. Campbell.
My husband I own a 1000+ acre forest. As a Mainer whose great grandparents relocated from Ireland to Maine for the forest industry, I have wandered in Maine forests my entire life.
Debbie Clay shares her experience of managing her newly acquired woodlands.

Thirty miles down Highway 40, in southern Virginia, the land rolls gently with endless rows of emerald green crops. Billboards proclaim:
“Peanuts – whole sale and retail! Tourists welcome!”
“We’re not nuts, but we sell ‘em”
My favorite way of enjoying nature is with my son and his Boy Scout troop. Scouting is an active program that helps boys grow into men and teaches them outdoor skills.
Learn how one women woodland owner allows guests and horses on her land responsibly.
On a chilly morning in January, I interviewed Fran Wunderlich, a Pennsylvania landowner whom I met in October at the Pennsylvania Women and Their Woods retreat. Fran and I enjoyed a long conversation about tax breaks, Marcellus shale, and the advice she has for fellow women woodland owners.