
Sat, Dec 10, 2016 - 8:00 am
until 4:30 pm
“Harvest for Habitat” means thoughtfully and purposely harvesting trees in your woodlands to improve wildlife habitat. A well-planned tree harvest can improve the food and cover for specific wildlife by creating new growth and diversifying the ages, heights, and species of trees in your woodlands. Carefully planning which trees to harvest and retain can reap long-term habitat benefits beyond your own woodland.
Fri, Sep 30, 2016 - 9:00 am
until 5:00 pm
Location: Clinton Town Hall, 8907 MN-37, Iron Junction, MN

Registration: $10/person. Contact East Range Joint Powers Board at [email protected] or call Cherie Grams at 218-229-3671 or 218-780-6144

Additional information:
Everyone I asked emphasized safety. Wives of loggers came up to me at church and asked if I was being safe. “Do you use chaps, eye protection, a hard hat, something for your ears, my dear?”